Journaling Workshop

Journaling Workshop

Our Partners at Stay Well are offering a Journaling Workshop next week for their existing service users. Journaling is a fantastic way to help you understand & cope with your feelings.

The details of the workshop are as follows:

NEW Stay Well Social Event: Journaling Workshop

Wednesday 28th July (6.30pm to 7.30pm) – Delivered online via Zoom

For any of our Stay Well young people aged 8-18

Delivered through Zoom; with Journal therapy tutor, Helen Dalley and Wellness coach, Lucy.

An introduction to journaling for wellbeing.

Gain understanding of journaling.

– Learn about the joy of journaling, how journaling can benefit our mental wellbeing and have a go at practicing journal writing activities, such as gratitude journaling, goal-focused journaling, and expressive writing.

– Discover what journal writing is, how to journal to support your mental health and gain knowledge of the different types of journaling, which you can take away and use in your own life.

Come and join this fun, creative and interactive session.

This is a free session. All you will need is a pen and notebook/paper of your choice; or any stationery items you have or would like to bring along.

To book a place onto attend this one-off social event, please email: